Your Questions

Here are some questions that come up often.  If you need any additional help, please do not hesitate to email us at 

How soon will I receive my order?

Most of my jewelry is handmade at the time of order for the most part, unless notated as ready to ship.  With that said, production time is 2-4 business days.  I will ship within that time frame.  If you need an expedited order, please contact me prior to ordering to ensure I can expedite sooner.  

What type of metals do you use?

Most of my jewelry is made with non surgical stainless steel. It will be notated on the types of metals use.  I try very hard to use quality metals that still keep the jewelry affordable.

How do I know what size bracelet to purchase?

To determine your bracelet size simply take a string and wrap it around your wrist till it touches.  Measure that amount and add a 1/2".  This will give you a very good idea on what size will best suit you.  

Are your pieces lead and nickel free?

I know how sensitive some metals are, so with that I try very hard to source materials that are lead, nickel, and cadium free.  If a piece is not, I do notate it. But rest assured almost all of my beautiful pieces are safe for those with sensitive skin.

How do I care for my jewelry?

There are so many different things one needs to know when caring for jewelry.  Store in a cool dry place.  How you put on your bracelets is very important.  Each of my bracelets are pre-stretched so that your piece does not overstretch in time.  With that said, proper on and off etiquette is required.  Roll the bracelet up your hand, DO NOT stretch it out to get it on and off.  When ready to take off, simply roll it off.  This will keep the elastic from taking on unnecessary tension and will give you years of enjoyment.  I have the original bracelet I had first made before selling because of proper care, since 2017.  For jewelry with metals, please keep away from water. Also all of our bodies treat metals differently pending our alkalinity.  I provide with all my necklaces and chain bracelets a lint free cloth. Simply wipe an excess oils that accrue during normal wear. with the cloth and polish up your jewlery.

Do you take custom orders?

I do take custom orders, it is one of my favorites. Because there is more design time that goes into those pieces there is a $5 up-charge for custom work (effective January 1, 2019).  This will be added on to your price.  For custom work, please email me at  

Do you ship internationally?

As of right now, no.  But email me ( and I would be willing to work something out and get you a price.

Do you do events?

I do participate in local events.  I am located in the Cleveland, OH area.  While I am taking a very big break from events, I will post on my social media pages if I do plan on participating in one.

How do the essential oil pieces work?

Are you a lover of essential oils?  Have wanted to be able to diffuse on the go?  At Gold Arrow Studios I have an amazing line of essential oil bracelets to help you diffuse while out shopping, hanging with friends, or just lounging around.  Each diffuser piece will have have either rosewood or lava rocks for aromatherapy needs.  These are porous rocks or woods that will absorb a drop of oil and hold that oil in for a hours giving you all benefits as if you were diffusing at home.  You can reuse the same oil or use a new oil.  

What happens if my jewelry breaks?

I take great pride in my work and I try very hard to use suppliers that provide me with quality materials to make my pieces.  Things can and will occur whether it be from user error or maker error.  Simply let me know ( and I will be happy to get this taken care of.  Shipping is determined on a case by case situation.   

Do you have a bracelet that needs restringing? 

Accidents happen for sure...especially when you have kids. So if your bracelet breaks simply reach out to me. I offer a restringing service that is $5 per bracelet. You are responsible for any shipping costs but I also do offer local pickup. I am also happy to restring bracelets that are not made by me. Same charges apply.

What is your return & exchange policy?

You can return your piece up to seven days after delivery for a full refund. After seven days you can exchange. Buyer pays all shipping charges, but I do offer local drop off and pickup. 

What is your repair policy? 

I gladly will repair your piece if it breaks. Charges are case by case and all shipping is paid for by the buyer.



